Important notice! is no longer selling plug-ins or offering support.
You can download the fullly unlocked versions of all previously sold plug-ins for free.

Legacy products

Here you can find some of our legacy products. None of these products is supported or updated anymore but they are free to download, some are still quite popular.


Mailing list management and delivery in Windows™. No longer officially supported.


A small freeware program which allows you to list and preview all the available fonts on your system through a clear and easy-to-use interface.
This is the ideal tool for quickly browsing through your font collection without having to start up some big tool.


A small Windows-based puzzle game for free. Rearrange pieces of pipe or road, reorganize marbles and blocks and lead ants to their safety and all in one little game. Linkz needs only a standard Windows installation and allows you to create your own graphics besides using the 10 standard themes.