
· Added new grid layout types "triangle" and "hexagon".
· Many more custom shape file formats supported (BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, PSD and many others).
· Reorganized some controls in new grid tab.
· Added custom image sources.
· Added custom shape mirroring.
· Added opacity compensation option.
· New option for automatic zoom adjust on window resize.
· Several new shortcut keys.
· Added fit-to-zoom button.
· Faster custom shape drawing.
· Fixed default DPI to 72 (postscript) due to some applications reporting DPI incorrectly.
· Fixed several minor bugs.
· Improved statusbar and progressbar for better feedback.
· Remember most recently used tab.
· Settings section in options tab.
· Improved window resizing.
· Improved display of tabs.
· Several minor performance improvements.
· New demo-mode effect for improved demo testing.

· "Anti-alias" setting (user request).
· "Opacity" setting makes dots semi-transparent.
· "Apply immediately" option updates preview whilst changing controls (stored in registry).
· Changed Lines-per-Inch (LPI) maximum to 200 (user request).
· Changed user interface layout and minimum size (user request).
· Resizable window (size stored in registry).
· Added additional decimal precision to grid rotation (user request).
· Modern Windows theme.
· Performance improvements in custom shape loading, minor.
· Performance improvements in smoothing, now linear time.
· Performance improvements in rendering code, upto 10% faster depending on settings.
· Performance improvements in start-up code, minor.
· Changed color swap and black & white buttons to icons.
· Implemented tab pages to clean-up the user interface.
· Minor dialog titlebar changes.
· Changed file format to allow high precission settings, breaks upwards compatibility of previous versions.
· Bugfix: Wrong intensity in custom sapes due to division by zero in rare conditions (unreported).

· Custom shape implemented.
· Custom shape file dialog.
· Rotational jitter.
· UI reorganized.
· Split "Scale" controls from "Placement" group.
· Split out jitter pattern into own group.
· Handling of non-square bitmaps.
· Bugfix: Transparency swapped (unreported).
· Bugfix: when max. colors used in 4/16b BMP's, biClrUsed is 0 (unreported).

· Fixed bug in "Transparency" background mode.
· Added custom bitmap (.BMP) shape support.
· Rotational jitter.
· Split "Scale" controls from "Placement" group.
· Split out jitter pattern into own group.
· GUI reorganized for new controls.

· Added "Reset" button which sets all control to default values.
· Dots now centered properly.
· Implemented DPI/LPI settings, replacing Scale setting.
· GUI layout changes.
· Accuracy improvements in blur algorithm for preview.
· Improved accuracy of rotational placement.
· Correct preview of masked areas.
· All 16-bit modes (RGB, Grayscale and Duotone) supported.
· Performance and memory usage improved.
· Precision of intensity calculations improved.
· Accuracy improvement in progress prediction.

· Dropdown list for background mode and return of the Transparency mode.
· Minor bug fix, this bug did not produce any visible artifacts in older versions but only showed up in the new transparency mode.
· Added "B/W" button for convenience.

· New, more intuitive user interface.
· Star shape can now have odd number of edges.
· New smoothing feature.
· Many performance improvements.
· Spiral displacement.
· Radial wave displacement.
· Orthogonal wave displacement.
· Jitter displacement.
· Larger preview area.
· True brightness/contrast settings.
· Integrated the "hi-density" checkbox into the scale control.
· Renamed some controls and increased the ranges.
· File format changed, backwards compatible.
· Fixed minor rendering imperfections.
· Added new transparency mixing.

· Added an "X shift" and "Y shift" control for shifting the pattern horizontally and vertically.
· Added a new page "Place" and moved some controls.
· Inversed the buttons for the pages for a more natural feel.
· Added a "Rotating stars" shape.
· Added a new "Legs" control for the Rotating stars shape.
· Minor GUI changes; slider controls are now colored.
· Some minor internal improvements; minimal speed increases and potential buffer-overflow bug fix.
· This update will load settings-files from previous versions.

· Changed control layout over two separate pages.
· New "Contrast" and "Brightness" controls.
· New shape "Rotating squares".
· New controls "Rotation" and "Align" for use with the new Rotating squares shape.
· Changed file-format to add new controls, this update of Halftone can load old files and does not alter the appearance of the effects, the new settings only offer additional functionality, no changes.

· First release.

Halftone v2.2 manual - Copyright © 2001-2009 VanDerLee. All rights reserved.